Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: experiments + journeys

brief notes on

Posts for Tag: behind the camera

behind the camera

Whilst Suzanne is in Cuba and Mexico  for 4 weeks I have been minding the standard  poodles at Encounter Bay and trying to make a few photos whilst I am on the daily poodle walks.

The photos are for the Fleurieuscapes book  that I am slowly working on.  Slowly because I am not  sure where I am going with this body of work about the Fleurieu Peninsula, or what I am trying to do with it. It is about the specifics of the place whilst avoiding the sublime, the picturesque and the beautiful as much as possible. 

the last 8x10 shoot

This 8x10 black and white shoot along the coast west of Petrel Cove, Victor Harbor, was done late last year: 

The negatives were processed at The Analogue Laboratory last year. I haven't scanned the negatives into a digital file yet. I have to find a way to overcome the Newton Rings I'm getting from the Epson flatbed scanner.