Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: experiments + journeys

brief notes on

in Tasmania: the Midlands

I have just returned  to Victor Harbor after spending  2 weeks in Tasmania.

The first week  was spent photographing on the south west coast of Tasmania whilst Suzanne walked in The Walls of Jerusalem National Park and the second week was spent being tourists primarily in the Tasman Peninsula, south-east of Hobart. 

Our base was in Tunbridge in the Midlands which I briefly explored between weeks 1 and 2. 

This building  was in Campbelltown which is about 20 kilometres north of Tunbridge on the Midlands Highway.  

I was on my way back to Tunbridge after looking around Lake Leake, which is a man made lake that is nestled in  the hills in the eastern Midlands:

The village at Lake Leake is composed of  fishing shacks built by the recreational fishers so they can go trout fishing.  The lake  is also  the water for Campbelltown, and I presume for irrigation. From what I could make out from the various signs into the village the native timber in the watershed  had been   logged in the past and is still being logged.

Surely one of the effects of logging is  sediment runoff into streams and lake  which is the source for drinking water. Forests not only provide a buffer to filter water and to hold soil in place they also sustain water and soil resources through recycling nutrients.