This scoping image of a landscape was for a future 5x4 photoshoot, and it was made on a recent late afternoon poodlewalk during the Covid-19 lockdown in South Australia. The lens on the handheld digital camera is pointing towards Kings Head on the southern Fleurieu Peninsula.
Landscape here refers to the practice of visual representation of space. Photography doesn't just situate landscape in a physical context, it also situates ourselves in it. The framing, focus and depth of field of the camera identify our position as the viewing subject. When we "see " a landscape we situate ourselves in it.
The idea behind this coastal landscape photo was to use this particular perspective to show the edge or relationship between wilderness of the southern ocean and what is traditionally called a human altered landscape--in this landscape the agricultural land and its buildings. The privatised land comes down to the edge of the coast. The public spaces are the coastal rocks and a narrow path between the fence of the agricultural land and the edge of the cliffs.
That coastal path has also been altered by humans. It is now a Heritage Trail that links into the Heysen Trail at the end of Kings Beach Rd. The renovations are designed to create spaces for tourism. An example is the large viewing platform at the end of Kings Beach Rd. This was created by Rotary with Commonwealth funding and it has made the juncture between the two trails a tourist destination to view the land, sky and sea.
Another interpretation in the late afternoon on a different day:
Though the photographs highlight nature, in reality most of the territory in the landscape is agricultural land and private property, which is inaccessible to the public. Various public roads cut through the agricultural land to connect the small townships on the peninsula, and the roads offer another way to view the territorial space. A third perspective on this territory is the aerial one from a plane or drone.
The tide during this past week has been high in the late afternoon and I have been unable to access the quartz rocks in-between the rain. The tide was lower around 4pm yesterday and the location was accessible, but the weather has changed once again and the wind and rain returned Friday afternoon. It rained overnight and during Saturday. Rain is forecast for the next few days.