I have just had the backup technology for Encounter Studio's digital suite updated. I've been forced into it, as I needed to replace an old, dysfunctional data storage device---a Lacie Quadra (500 gigabit)--- with a NetGear Nas Raid (2TB) storage device with its mirroring disc. It will take around 12 hours to back up my photos.
It's a prosumer --home-based or small business--data storage device rather than an industrial or professional photography one. Though it is a network solution to data storage, it does not have the capacity to keep adding or replacing the hard discs, or to automatically backup to a remote location. That will be the next upgrade I guess.
I'm very paranoid about backing up my photographs and data storage these days, as I have experienced hard disc failures in my computers and my Apple and Lacie data storage devices die in the last year.
The next step is to back up the data storage devices with a portable hard disc using the hard discs that we have been aale to salvage from the now useless Lacie Quadra. These portable hard discs can then be stored on the library shelf at Victor Harbor, or in another place for safekeeping.
In the meantime I've been figuring out how to continue with my table top photography using the Sinar 8x10, a standard lens (Schneider Symmar 360mm f5.6), natural light and black and white sheet film. I wanted to avoid the expense of buying an extension rail or a telephoto lens.