Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: experiments + journeys

brief notes on

experiments: fuzzy abstracts?

I have been tentatively experimenting with an abstract approach to photography in low light situations. as a break from working on the newsletter and the Walking/photography exhibition at Encounters Gallery.   

The low light scenario happens at   the end of the poodlewalks with Maleko when we are   returning   to the car along the coastal path at  dusk. When start to return when it  is too dark to photograph amongst the coastal rocks. However, there is  still light and colour  in the sky over the southern ocean so I can hand hold the digital camera (a  Sony A7 R111) to make a photo.  

A recent  example of the experiment:

It's an experiment because this kind of subject just doesn't work as an abstract when everything is in focus--I've  made several attempts and it looks ugly.   I've also tried  it with the lens wide open and the foreground of the subject  in focus--but it  is a nothing  kind of image.  Nor does it work when there are small pockets of clouds in the sky over the sea. 

However, it does work when there is  a  layer of cloud across the southern ocean:

The overcast cloud softens the subject.The image  begins to look like a dreamscape or a memory. 

The question becomes: will the fuzziness  work using film?  Using a medium format camera (a Rolleiflex SL66)  is the next stage in the experiment. If that is okay,  then the next step is to ask: what would it look like using film and  a  large format camera?