Now that summer has passed into autumn I've started using my old 8x10 Cambo monorail. This morning was the first time I 'd used the camera since late spring. I was a bit rusty and things didn't go very smoothly. I made a number of mistakes on the shoot.
It was a local photoshoot that I'd previously scoped, and I'd been waiting for the right conditions for the photoshoot:
I wasn't used to the changed perspective of the 300mm lens and so I struggled to set up the camera and tripod in the right position for the roadside vegetation photoshoot. I'd also forgotten that I'd changed to photographing in black and white from colour after I'd seen that the field had stated to turn green format recent rain. I wanted dead tree, dead grass and overcast skies--a bleak, stripped landscape for part 2 of the Fleurieuscapes project.
The front standard of the monorail had accidentally turned to the right when it should have been straight, and I forgotten which black and white film I'd loaded into the film holders.
I more or less wasted 4 sheets of film on the two film shoots. It takes me a while to get back into the rhythm of using a 8x10 monorail in the field. It's very different from taking snaps with a digital camera.