Thoughtfactory’s photographic experiments + journeys

brief notes on experimental photographic projects

Archives: leaves, bark, light

This picture of  leaves, bark, and light is from the archives --late December 2018. The leaves and bark were  in the  local  reserve  just across the road  from my studio in Encounter Bay.  

This macro image was made with my  old mirrorless  Sony NEX-7 digital camera which had been outfitted with  a Voigtlander close up adapter and an old  35mm Leica M lens. The combination had only been put together a  few weeks earlier.  My fingers were crossed: would it work smoothly? Would it allow me to forget the tech and concentrate on making photos, just as I could with a Leica M  film camera?  

Though the Sony NEX-7  is very basic and old tech -- it is not full frame and it is not good in low light --- it still functions well within these limitations. This is one way to keep an old digital camera (circa 2011) going--as a second walk around camera to the camera that replaced it --a mirrorless Sony A7 R111, a  Novoflex adaptor and a 35mm  Leica M lens.   

I  had become frustrated with uploading iPhone videos to YouTube  and I switched to going through the macro archive of images  at the time looking for background material for the Light Paths website.  I realised that hadn't seen some of these images for quite some time. This image of seaweed and granite at Kings Head in Waitpinga was made  a month latter on a poodlewalk.  

I was pleased with the results then, I still am.  The  basic mirrorless camera combination  gave me what I was looking for, as  the  interest  in the landscape is more often than not in  the detail.  The digital combination has enabled me to play around and to experiment,  and I am more that happy that I will  soon be able to get ten years of use out of a digital  camera. 

2011 now seems such a long time ago. That was when digital camera technology was on a rapid upward curve of  improvement, the iPhone 4 had just come out,  Flickr was going strong as a photo sharing site, the broadcast media was able to forge a  shared reality for a nation, Facebook had become the most popular social platform in the world; photo blogging was all the rage;  and blogging  still promised much in the way of  creative collaborations. 

Pre-Facebook, pre-platform.

Today  Facebook--with  its satellite  products, including WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger – is the centre of our digital lives. Facebook is where people  post their photos,  read news, arrange protests, engage in debate, play games and watch bands. in 2020 with the Covid19 pandemic  being online meant being on Facebook with its torrents of viral misinformation--eg., QAnon

2011 was a more innocent era when conspiracy theories were regarded as a harmless eccentricity.  Facebook and other social media platforms have since changed the way we get information. Whatever public sphere we once had is now distorted and polluted by both being forced through four narrow apertures called Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and the rapidly expanding ecosystem of the surveillance economy.