Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: experiments + journeys

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Posts for Tag: Rollei TLR

The hardware upgrade has finally happened

The studio  hardware  upgrade is  nearly finished.   Thank goodness. 

The old Mac Pro (2009) and  its cinema monitor are  now sitting in the garage looking for a new home. The  Mac Studio and  Eizo monitor  replacement  have  arrived,  been unpacked, and are  sitting on my desk in the studio.   I've  just started  working with them. I've also upgraded to the  Adobe Photography plan. I didn't want to lease the  photo software  but  I really didn't have that much of a choice.

A picture from 2021 of a building in Pirie St made with my old Rolleiflex TLR through an open  window in the Epworth building:

At this stage of the upgrade I cannot get my  old Epson V700  flatbed scanner to work, even though I  upgraded to the VuScan software. So all the film photos from  2022  plus many of the b+w ones from 2021 have yet to be scanned.  I have been forced  to order a new Epson V850 Pro scanner.